The community art project Commopoly playfully transforms an urban wasteland in Berlin-Marzahn into a life size game board. The aim of this speculative board game is to test to what extent the local community is ready to start their own Commons. Each event is conceptualised as a game round in which specific actions reappear, such as an open air film screening, a participatory artistic intervention, a gardening workshop and neighbourhood activities. Through their participation in these actions, Commopoly’s “players” collect points in five different categories that reflect the competences needed to start a Commons: collaboration, care, creation, joy and communication. These points are tracked on the central scoreboard, which represents the community's progress and readiness to establish their own Commons outside of the game. The project reframes the wasteland as a public space and collective resource that the local community has a right to use, maintain and govern.
Commopoly is a project by the Curatorial Collective for Public Art and Parzelle X, funded by HauptstadtKulturFonds.
Artistic Direction: Lianne Mol, Yael Sherill, José Délano Gardening Programme and Community Outreach: Katharina Böhme & Lulu Dombois Curation: Lianne Mol & Yael Sherill Spatial Design and Interventions: José Délano Workshop Lead Interventions: Benjamin Frick Graphic Design: Stan de Natris Social Media: Han Vogel Documentation: Edgard Berendsen Production Management: Olga Preiss